Olivier & sarah

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Über Olivier & sarah

43 Jahre alt | Lawyer (Crown prosecutor)

Good day!

We are Olivier (37 years old) and Sarah (29 years old), a Canadian couple currently on the road. We both work in the law enforcement field: Olivier as a lawyer ( Crown prosecutor - equivalent of assistant D.A. in US) and Sarah as a peace officer.

This year will be unique since we decided to treat ourselves with a full year travelling around the globe! One full year living our life as full without working: just enjoying every minute of it. We left Canada at the beginning of November 2017 and we miss our dog so much... We have a wonderful Weimaraner named Volkswagen at home! Volks is a big part of our life and soul, so we miss him badly. We are lucky that Olivier's wonderful parents are taking good care of him this year. Without them, it would have been an enormous stress and struggle to find a proper and safe place for him: so we totally understand the type of worries and concerns you are experimenting at the idea of leaving you pets and house with strangers.

Since we began our year trip, we realized that the places we enjoyed he most staying at were places with pets! So we stayed in different guesthouses, homestays and apartments with an animal and it is that way we realized that trusted house sitters is definitely for us!

We are respectful and resourceful persons who just loves animals. In fact, there are always pets around us in our lives, and we miss that so much this year.

We want to give you the peace of mind you deserve while leaving your house, apartment and pets to our care. We are two serious individuals you can definitely rely on. Being on the road means we are comfortable dealing with different situations in various countries and that we will be happy to stay for a while at the same place. We are also comfortable dealing with cats, fish, small pets and plants!!

We understand that we do not have yet any reviews yet on this site. However, we pet and house sitted in the past on other platforms (TH). We just completted a 2 weeks housesit in Chichester U.K . If you want to make sure we will take good care of your house, you can also consult our Airbnb page where you can see a lot of great comments about us taking care of the homes we rented. Finally, it is possible for you to consult the Quebec Bar association website to confirm that Olivier is an active lawyer (Barrister and Solicitor) officially member of Quebec's bar and that I'm an active Crown prosecutor (assistant D.A.). We know that trust and reliability are the k

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Sarah , 35 Jahre alt, Peace Officer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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