Angela c.

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Über Angela c.

63 Jahre alt | Art teacher / landscape designer

We are an active fun loving couple who enjoy adventures and meeting people from all around the world. We have 3 adult children and have had many pets, including an orphaned wallaby.
Over the years, other pets have included rabbits,guinea pigs,fish,a drake, cats,dogs,turtles and we have rescued many native animals and birds. We are calm, confident and intuitive when caring for all animal species.
Our current family pets include our beautiful deaf cat who adopted us 18 years ago and a native magpie family who visit daily.
Our heritage home in Melbourne is nearly 100 years old and we have used our extensive skills to fully restore it over many years and developed a beautiful garden for our family, friends and local birds and animals to enjoy.
We take great pride in everything we do and are experienced, resourceful, flexible and organised in both pet care and home maintenance. Experience has taught us that listening and following instructions is essential, especially if caring for your loved pets.
When staying in other peoples homes we are respectful and treat your home as we would our own, with love and care.
Home care is easy, as Mark is a wizard at fixing everything and currently runs DIY classes for garden and home maintenance at our local Hardware store.
Our friends love us staying at their homes with our combined skills and we have been asked on occasions to refit water pumps, repair irrigation, hang doors, plant and maintain gardens.
Your garden is in capable hands as I have knowledge of both garden maintenance and design and practiced professionally for over 20 years on both large and small properties.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Mark, 69 Jahre alt, Retail/manager and semi retired , Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

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