Celinda & mike s.

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Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

Über Celinda & mike s.

57 Jahre alt | Proofreader/Editor

Hi! - we're a friendly, responsible couple from the US who both LOVE animals, currently living in Lucca, Italy. We have a reliable Fiat Panda that allows us the flexibility to travel around and explore the nooks and crannies of Italy and beyond. We speak some Italian and French, have dual citizenship - US and Ireland and US and Italian - so no limitations with a 90-day stay.

We've both had many pets (cats, dogs, horses, birds, fish, guinea pigs and a hermit crab) and both know that pets are more than mere animals. We will treat your home and your animals with the love and kindness. Being homeowners, landlords and having pets, we know the value of finding good sitters who are responsible, clean, mature, and appreciative of someone else's home. We are amateur gardeners - as well as active, fit and willing to work around the house.

We have taken care of homes and pets through trustedhousesitters.com and have excellent references there. Celinda works remotely for a marketing company in Maine and so we do spend time at “home” which means your pets and home get attention and care and are not just a free place to stay. We take the responsibility of caring for your home and pets first.

We’re happy to “meet” you and your pets via FaceTime or Skype so you can get to know us a bit better and ask any questions you’d like.

Thanks for checking in on us. Cheers, Celinda & Mike

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Mikel, 73 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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