Tulio G.

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Brasília, Federal District, Brazil

Über Tulio G.

46 Jahre alt | Digital entrepreneur, business consultant, former IT consultant. | Allein

Hello hi there, thanks for your interest visiting my profile!

Honest and reliable, despite dark-skinned and Brazilian. ;) Non-drinker, non-smoker.

I'm a digital entrepreneur - 3D productions and productivity training for teams and individuals (WIP) - working remotely in my own business, and before it I was an IT generalist/specialist for over 25 years (still am, actually, but on the side now), and can still hold my ground in almost anything IT.

Having been a large house owner (~400sqm) for a long time, and also catering for myself for over 20 years, I know pretty well the challenges of having our homes unattended during long trips, as well as how it feels to return and find that something odd has happened (leaks, a broken window, animals breaking in etc.), or even just having to clean everything after 2-3 months of accumulating dirt. When I learned about home-sitting, I decided to help other people not have such issues, and that by itself gives me immense satisfaction.

I'll gladly take care of your home, pets, and pool as I did with mine, meaning:
- keeping things, pets, and plants tidy;
- caring for pets, obviously (cats are my favorite, but dogs are no issue, as we've always had usually 2 or more) - including medication and other special needs (I've always watched over our cat when he was sick, and often my parents' dogs as well);
- modesty aside, I'm an ace at keeping pools healthy - I maintained mine myself for a long time;
- reporting on what's going on around the house - detailed or brief, as you'd prefer;
- gardening;
- cleaning;
- small repairs (electrical, doors, furniture etc.);
- almost anything computer-related.

Having lived in 15+ countries and visited some 10 others, from the USA to Australia and Japan, from Argentina to Swedish Lapland, I've surely learned to appreciate and respect cultural and lifestyle differences, and there's surely something I could use from memory to help me keep your property and pets in their best state. You can ask me for tips or share yours, I'm always keen on learning more.

I'm currently working on 3D production with clients and freelancers from around the globe, so fast Internet (50+ Mbps) is basically my only requirement - but still it's not set in stone, if there's a suitable place I could reach when needed, such as an Internet café or similar.

I'm not so active anymore on BeWelcome (hospitality exchange) and Internations (expat community), and left CouchSurfing in 2012, but I still have references on such sites if it's in your interest - you might need to register, but both are free.

Also, if you'd like a good conversation before deciding, or even while I sit your home, just send me a message - I'm always up for a good chat - be it in-person or online. I'm usually just a good listener too.

So please get in touch, I look very forward to helping you, your home, and your pets.
Cheers and thanks!.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

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