Clemence b.

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Prades-le-Lez, Occitanie, France

Über Clemence b.

36 Jahre alt | French teacher

Dear all,

My name is Clemence and I am a French language teacher. My husband, Frank, is a personal trainer. We are both independent workers. We are also the happy parents of a one-year old beautiful boy.

I have been working online for the next 5 years which has given us the chance to travel and stay in a fair amount of countries. We came back to France for my pregnancy and are now ready to travel again.

In the past, we've done work exchanges and petsitting in Asia. We both grew up with cats and dogs but living in a small apartment now, we don't think getting a pet is the best idea. But we want our son to interact with animals and experience travelling as part of his education. That's why we're planning to leave our apartment at the end of 2020 to make travel our way of living until we fall in love with a place to live. In the meantime, we would enjoy doing petsitting around the world - but for start, in France - in order to spend time with animals and be closer to nature. We are, indeed, more looking for petsitting in the countryside or villages as we enjoy hiking.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Frank, 34 Jahre alt, Personal trainer, Ehepartner / Partner
Pablo, 5 Jahre alt, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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