Matt m.

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Collingwood, Victoria, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Matt m.

33 Jahre alt | English Teacher

Hello! We’re Matt and Hannah, and for the past year we have been teaching English and travelling around South Korea. This experience has fuelled our passion for adventure, connecting with new people and embracing new cultures. We are an easy going and a flexible couple from Australia, who understand the significant responsibility it is to care for another’s pet.

We both believe pets are more like family members and understand the worry that goes with leaving your beloved animal with strangers. We are here to put your mind at ease by showing the love, care and nurturing your pet or pets require. We also understand every pet has its own unique quirks and personalities and will take into account any special requirements needed to ensure you are confident when leaving your pets in our care.

Prior to house sitting, we have lived in rental apartments for over 5 years. We have an immaculate track record and have always had a fantastic relationship with our landlords. We have never lost our bond back and have always met the needs of each property. In South Korea, we have lived in the same apartment for a year, keeping the property clean and well maintained. We also know that like pets, houses have their own unique needs and requirements and we know how to ensure these requirements are being maintained. We both spent our whole lives surrounded by pets and have cared for friends and families pets as well.

We are a professional couple who both hold university degrees. Hannah is an Elementary school teacher and Matt is TEFL teacher. We are quiet and are respectful of others privacy. We are happy to provide any references and security checks you require. Please feel free to ask any further clarifying questions. We look forward to meeting with you and more importantly your pets!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Hannah, 36 Jahre alt, English Teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

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