Lesley r.

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia


Über Lesley r.

70 Jahre alt | Administrator Retired

About Lesley & Lew

We are young at heart, active 60+ year olds, non smokers, retiring at the end of 2018.
Lew is an Electrician & I am an avid genealogist with a keen interest in history. We love animals and have always had pets. We live in Perth, Western Australia but would like to base ourselves in the UK in 2019, & open to sits in Europe & USA.

Why we want to house sit

Having had responsible and demanding jobs, we have decided to start the rest of our lives visiting exciting new places, meeting new people and experiencing the local customs with the bonus of having pets to look after on the way.

Our experience

Having travelled extensively, we are confident in living in different countries.
We will take careful note of everything you tell us about your pets and home and make sure that everything is carried out as you wish
Having been homeowners, we have a lot of respect for other people's belongings and their individual way of life. As I do a lot of my research from home, we will be keeping your animals company and guaranteeing your home is secure.

We are happy to keep you updated with regular emails & photos, although some people prefer to just forget about everything, knowing that all is well back at the ranch.
I am the organiser but Lew is the practical one and can carry out most odd jobs or emergency repair work if needed. We can both look after the gardens and other outside areas. Most importantly, we are honest and reliable with lots of common sense.
We will gladly help with light garden maintenance and of course your house will be spotless. Any business you need taking care of while you are away, we will happily take on for you, such as taking calls or passing on messages.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Lew, 71 Jahre alt, Electrician, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

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