Marek s.

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Pilsen, Plzeň Region, Czech Republic

Über Marek s.

47 Jahre alt | freelance text editor

My name is Marek, I was born in the Czech Republic and I'm 41 years old.
I have high school education. I love traveling, exploring the world and discovering everything new.

I'm fulltime traveller, nomad. Vegetarian, non-smoker, I don't drink alcohol.

Why can I be your housesitter?

Previously, I worked in different positions that gave me the experience of housesitting. I worked as a journalist, as the owner of an international company I flew the world and as a hotel owner I learned everything about responsibility and service to people.
Because I am accustomed to living alone, I have no problem with cleaning (on the contrary, great stress causes me to live in an undeveloped or untreated place).
I do not need a company so much, that means I do not have the desire to get out of the house every day for have some fun. I prefer to spend time with animals, a book, I like to exercise physically and love to cook. If I can run around in a few days, I do not need anything more.

I am able to speak with you English. Because I now live in Spain, I'm begining to speak Spanish and I speak a bit French and German too. And since I grew up in the eastern block, I also know Russian (if you need that).
And I understand animals in any language.

I like to work outdoors, with plants and animals. I love animals and animals love me.
I can also take care of the house and household and the common things associated with it. I can solve any problems quickly and correctly.

For a long time I lived in a big apartment in the city that I did not have to worry about. That's why I had enough time for the snakes to behave (a tigerish pygmy and after a red snake) and two dogs (do not want to know their race, nobody knew).
Later I had my own big house with swimming pool and various technical interests and of course with a dog.

For 3 years lived in a house in Prague and represented the owner of the house. It involved maintenance of the house, gardens, representation in official matters about the house. I regularly took care of the owner's dog when the owner was out of the house.

For 4 years I worked as a professional housekeeper: all the time I lived in a house that I cared for (I was responsible for regular maintenance, such as cleaning and solving technical issues) and for the maintenance of a huge garden. My work included almost everyday care for the animals living in this house. Specifically, I mean 5 big dogs (German dog and four-member family of Central Asian sh

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Russisch

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