Margaretha v.

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Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Über Margaretha v.

55 Jahre alt | Corendon Rep. Rhodos

I am a single female of 53 years old from Holland.
For the last 3 years I have worked in Rhodos Greece. I work for Corendon Travel as Representative/Hostess. Between January and April I am off and would love to house sit and take care of animale.
I have worked many years in the hotel business mainly at the Front Desk. The last 8 years I held a Front Desk Manager position. I worked many years in the USA but also a couple of years in Switzerland, England and Bermuda.
I grew up in Soest a small town in the Netherlands. My parents always had many dogs, cats and horses.
I love animals and have taken care of many dogs, cats and horses. I also have a lot of experience in house sitting (small and very big properties).

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