Vironika tugaleva

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Über Vironika tugaleva

36 Jahre alt | Author, poet, life coach

I'm a writer, poet, visual artist, and world wanderer. I sold my things to travel at the end of 2014 and began house sitting shortly after. I love bonding with animals, exploring nature, reading, writing, dancing, eating pickles, and exploring our mesmerizing planet with wide-open, grateful eyes.

I love animals. I also love spaces that have a warm, inviting energy (something you can't get from a hotel room). Each place I take care of, I treat like it's my own. As a nomad, I get a feeling of fulfillment from caring for a home, keeping it safe, clean, and full of love. I also firmly believe that service trading is superior to exchanging money.

Through house sitting, I have gained experience caring for dogs, cats, and rabbits. I'm an animal lover. I'm mostly vegan. I know that caring for a pet is more than filling the food bowl.

Over the years, I've also handled some crises. I've had to take animals to the vet, care for them through injury, and give medications. I also once dealt with a gas leak.

I'm neat. I am responsible. I treat each house with respect and each pet with kindness. And I always make sure that the owners return to a clean, cozy atmosphere.

I have made some irreplaceable memories and deep connections through house sitting, and I look forward to many more :)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Russisch

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