Erin m.

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Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, United States

Über Erin m.

37 Jahre alt | Founder Van Brew Media

I am living my dreams by traveling the world and working from my laptop. I love to immerse myself in a culture when I travel and I find house sitting a very rewarding way of getting the true local feel. I love animals and miss them so much when I'm on the road, I get so excited to take care of your pets as if they were mine, lots of walks, play time, and cute snuggles! I love dogs and cats of all sizes and breeds, fish, birds, bunnies, any animal really is great in my book! I love to delight the home and pet owners with the occasional adorable photos of their pet or garden so they know things are going well back home. My goal is to make sure you are relaxed and having an enjoyable trip without worrying. I am pretty low key, I do like to explore a town or city for a few hours a day, the rest of my days are spent working on my laptop, playing with animals, reading or cooking.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Carl, 45 Jahre alt, Chef, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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