Sarah s.

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Bopfingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Über Sarah s.

27 Jahre alt | student

Hi, we are Sarah an Tim. We are a young couple in our early twenties and are looking to discover the world as vivid and connected as a local wherever we go. I, Sarah, grew up and am still living on a farm with all kinds of animals. We have dairy cows, two horses, some pigs, a dog and some cats. of course there are as well spiders and mise living in the hidden corners of our barns but they take care of themselfs. Helping my family take care of the milking and the feeding is something i enjoy, and going horseback riding is my passion. Our farm is located in a very small village and getting to see the world is not always easy but it is our dear wish to be able to tell great stories to our grandchildren some day. My partner Tim joind me over a year ago and is just as enthusiastic about our animals as I am. He grew up in a small neighbourhood with his dog tyson and always wanted to be surrounded by animals and travel the world.
Together we are looking forward to take care of your animals as well someday and thank you for your trust.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Tim, 26 Jahre alt, student, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Russisch

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