Monica s.

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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Über Monica s.

59 Jahre alt | Police Officer

I am a recently retired police officer (Royal Canadian Mounted Police.) I am an avid animal lover.
I am reliable and trustworthy and have a clean criminal record. I also have a clean work record with no problems. I am healthy and independent, non-smoker and non-drinker.
I have completed many housesits and have received numerous positive references. These are available on request. Many housesits have been repeat sits.
I am highly aware of safety and security issues, and will ensure your pets and home are safe and secure while I am there.
I know from experience it can be difficult to leave your animal, and home, in the hands of another person. It’s very important to have someone dependable taking care of everything. Homeowners would be able to enjoy their holiday knowing I’m taking good care of their pets and home.
I have owned several dogs in the past, and rescued and fostered many dogs while living in northern Canada.
I owned and renovated two homes over the last 12 years, so I am familiar with home care and maintenance. I can do basic repairs and projects. My homes included yard maintenance as well as care for flowers and gardens.
I grew up on a farm and was involved with care and feeding for farm animals, hand milking cows (and even goats at one time), helping during calving, etc. I had several horses as well.
My interests are writing and photography, as well as learning and experiencing other places and cultures. I enjoy housesitting as it allows me to experience other places as well as provide a valuable service to those who need it. I no longer have my own pets, so I also benefit from house and petsitting by caring for someone else's animals!
I am available for Skype or telephone interview if you like.

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