Danielle t.

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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Über Danielle t.

44 Jahre alt | Project Manager

I am a professional woman who lives in Sydney. I have a busy job that I love but need to get away from they city and absolutely love quiet times on the country and sea side. I love puppies and kitties and look after my mums 2 dogs Sheba and Talei at least once a week and love them so I love and know how to care for dogs and occasionally I feed my friends cats when they go away. I have an infinity with the Sunshine Coast and am looking to try and spend as much time there as possible, I find it to be a very healing and relaxing place to retreat, also love NSW getaways. My mum has been unwell and it has become more important to me to be able to spend time with her and away from the city. If my mum comes along we would be hoping we can care for you furbabies along with Sheba (Malteze/Shih tzu) and Talei (lhasa apso/shih tzu) who are very sweet and love friends dogs. I am great at maintaining the home and basic garden and pool duties and love cuddling and giving love to furbabies.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Lili, 61 Jahre alt, Elternteil

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