Tamara n.

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Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada

Über Tamara n.

38 Jahre alt | Office Administrator

I am a 30 year old professional woman working as an office administrator for a construction company. I work full-time Monday - Friday but my hours can be flexible depending on the needs of the pet.

I grew up loving animals, owned cats and dogs and have been pet sitting for over 15 years.

I love to explore; hiking, camping, kayaking, paddle boarding, going on walks. This experience is made better with a four legged companion and I love to see the excitement and wonder a dog has exploring with me!

I have traveled extensively; India, Thailand, Greece, Caribbean...etc., and keep adding new destinations to cross off my ever growing list of places to see! I love the food, culture, people and learning new aspects of myself as I explore a new place.

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