Ivone d.

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Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Über Ivone d.

52 Jahre alt | Financial Advisor

We are so excited to be able to share a little about ourselves here on Nomador.
Hein and I are married and are currently living in South Africa.
Hein has been very fortunate to be able to retire early and I am a digital financial coach.
We are passionate about exploring the world and have been doing so together for the past ten years.

Why do we want to house sit? The better question is, why not? The chance to care for all sorts of animals as well as explore the world pretty much sums it up. We love it! Having been longtime pet owners ourselves, we only wish we had known of Trustedhousesitters earlier.
We own a few properties here in South Africa and rent two of them out via Airbnb. This has been an amazing experience for us meeting such awesome guests along the way. Coupled with the fact that we are no longer tied to a desk job, we are so excited about the opportunity to help others explore the world as well, whilst we look after their homes and their animals.

As homeowners, we have the practical experience of looking after a number of properties and dealing with any issue which may arise where household staff is concerned, having employed domestic, gardening and maintenance teams to look after our homes.
Caring for our own pets over the years, which have included dogs, cats, rabbits and fish has given us invaluable experience, knowledge and utter joy. We're experienced in city, rural and country living. Small, medium and large properties.

You are welcome to check out our reviews on TrustedHousesitters.

We host guests at two of our properties via Airbnb's and Ivone is a "Super Host". We are happy to forward a link to our profile if you would like so that you can see what our guests have said about us.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Hein, 61 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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