Marina t.

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Moscow, Russian Federation

Über Marina t.

39 Jahre alt | Marketing

Hello all,

My name is Marina & I'll be delighted to be your house or pet sitter under your conditions. I'm a slow traveler, I've been doing my best to explore this beautiful planet for the past 3+ years (practically I'm a professional traveler) & only get more & more in love with it. Unlike some other fellow nomads I prefer to spend considerable time at almost every place I visit & feel it inside out as a resident when I have a chance. Although I'm new to this community, I have some experience in house watching which can be confirmed by my account on couchsurfing (over 150 reviews from hosts, my guests, travelers since 2007 without any negative karma). I get along with people, cats and dogs & even neighbors pretty well. Some pet sitting done in Rincon, Puerto Rico a cute pitbull dog for a bit over a month (recommendations available, 2019) & in Capetown, South Africa 2 cats + a rescue dog for 2 periods of time about 5 months in total up to this current moment. As well as some additional gardening as a bonus for both sides. I'll perform my best responsible attitude when given a chance. Thank you for attention. Hope to meet you soon! Have a wonderful vacation wherever you are headed. Hope to meet you soon!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Russisch

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