Jane a.

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Athens, Georgia, United States

Über Jane a.

34 Jahre alt | Writer/Photographer/ESL Teacher (Formerly a news editor)

Salutations, all!

My husband and I recently took the plunge to become full-time travelers, after realizing that all we did with our time in the U.S. was work – leaving little time for each other, travel, our family and friends, and our pets (basically the important things in life!). So, this spring we took a huge leap and moved to China to become ESL teachers, and made some tough decisions in the process. We felt a calling in our hearts to work with children, and to truly facilitate communication between peoples, while also fulfilling our passion and drive to travel the globe. We get to make new friends and family along the way, making this life change all the better for us. Before we left, we found new and loving homes for our assortment of pets – we had a cat, chickens, and goats – and we then sold everything we had, packed our bags, and flew to China with a new hope for the future. We're food lovers; animal lovers (especially now that we don't have our own pets, getting to love on other people's pets is the next best option!); gardeners (we had a lush, large garden every summer at home as we love and believe in growing what we eat and eating what we grow whenever possible); minimalists; and all and out adventurers looking for the beauty of life in the simplest pleasures. We travel to meet people, gain new perspectives, explore new cultures, and take in life in slow, consuming strides.

That being said, we would love to meet you, help you, and hear your stories too. We're clean and tidy, respectful, and responsible beings – both of us previously held positions that required a great amount of responsibility and accountability from us. I was a former news editor for two small publications, and my husband worked as a fire fighter and Emergency Medical Technician, and we have applied those same working standards to our personal lives as well. As ESL teachers, we're not only entrusted with the education and safety of many people's children, but we also take on the role of friend, parent, confidant, and manager (which is a difficult, but rewarding, position to step into). Inviting someone into your home is a highly personal, vulnerable affair and knowing your very livelihoods – your home, your pets, belongings, gardens, plants, and the like – are loved and taken care of just as you would take care of them is what you should always required, and we would be honored to do this for you.

Cheers and carpe diem,
Jane Ellyn and Jamie (Jesse)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jesse, 40 Jahre alt, ESL Teacher (former Fire Fighter and Advanced Emergency Medical Technician –EMT-A), Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

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