Susanne w.

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Brakel, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Über Susanne w.

54 Jahre alt | Hiking-Travel-/Tour-Guide

We are a German couple (49 + 50) and since three years we are traveling and have done a lot of wwoofing/helpx-ing in different countries.

Susanne is an Industrial Clerk and a Tour Guide for hiking tours and Markus is an Industrial Mechanic. We love the nature and love to be outside. Susanne had her own dog and trained it/her by herself and she had her own horse, too. We are reliable, uncomplicated and can work well independently or in a team and we are (almost) always in a good mood.

Most of the time we have helped on organic farms (with or without animals), but helped also homestay-hosts, a herbalist and hosts of an accommodation business, a holistic healing center and communities. Most of the time we helped in the garden and with maintenance. We have stayed from 1 day to 6 month with hosts. During that stays we did home-sitting (with a dog, cats, horses, sheeps, chickens) between 3 days and two weeks, as well. And all hosts were very happy with our help.

And now we are looking forward very much to help you! :-)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Markus, 56 Jahre alt, Industrial Mechanic, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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