Christopher n.

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Montreal West, Quebec, Canada

Über Christopher n.

65 Jahre alt | Public Servant


We are an active middle-aged semi-retired professional couple looking for a house sits in the UK or Europe, generally from November to March.

We would consider any pet and/or garden sitting opportunity. We enjoy living in different places for short or longer periods. We enjoy both the urban and country sits and discovering culture through writing and photography.  

I work online as a forensic genealogist and my partner, Mischa is a psychologist, who also works online.

We have an address, car, bicycles, and telephone in Germany that we use while in Europe.

We can take care of your animals. We've had dogs and cats, hamsters and guinea pigs. We can wrangle chickens and take care of horses.  We're also retired hobby beekeepers if you have beehives to monitor.

We can take care of your homes. We've renovated six houses and we can do most repairs, as well as, complete basic plumbing, electrical and carpentry tasks.  We can operate outdoor power tools and drive a tractor.

We come from farm families in Canada and understand when hard work is required.

We are non-smokers and we have grown children.  We speak English, German (Mark- fluent) and French (Mischa - fluent).  We are responsible and reliable as our references will attest.

Looking Forward to hearing from you
Christopher (Mark) and Mischa

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Mischa, 62 Jahre alt, Psychologist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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