Karolina S.

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Kaunas, Kaunas County, Lithuania

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Karolina S.

29 Jahre alt | Accountant | Allein

29 years old accountant in-love with the world, exploring and experiencing new cultures, learning new skills, networking, psychology, etc. Total animal lover who since her small age terrorised parents to have a dog (instead of brother or sister!! - my parents seriously did ask, and you can already guess what type of sibling I wanted :) 🐕). They surprisingly listened to me and I grew up with a lovely boxer girl since I was four♥️. In turn, I have a lot of experience with dogs. I’ve also been taking care of the two rescue cats for the past 4 years during my time off, as well as some farm ducks that’s been dumped in the park :(. I LOOOVEEE animals and tend to quickly find a connection with any type ☺️.
I’m a non-smoker, professional working remotely so chances are if I’m staying at your place - I’ll be working from there while taking care of your furry friends. Ask me anything! :)

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