Anja R.

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Gotlands län, Sweden

Über Anja R.

68 Jahre alt | Artist Gardener Cook Retired | Allein

I am quite unconventional, creative, independent, artistic, interested in culture from different parts of the world, philosophical, deep rather than superficial, traveller, calm, have lots of ideas, radical, unbiased.

I've mostly worked with art, culture and environmental projects. Also interested in health maintenance, self sustainability, art, music and dance, philosophy, meditation, nature, environment, meaningful ways of living. I walk my own ways.
I've travelled a lot and spent long periods abroad, the longest in India and Australia. All together about 20 years out of Sweden including my 10 years living in Denmark. Now I’m retired and live in Portugal during winter and in Sweden during summer. I usually arrive to Portugal mid November and leave mid April. I just bought a caravan which is static on private land in Alentejo and l’ve been in a Neolithic project there lately. But I also like to move around and discover new parts of Portugal, I haven’t been north of Porto yet f ex.

In Sweden I live in the countryside since about 10 years and grow a big vege-garden, I'm self sufficient on veges. I have experience with volunteers helping out with garden work, house repairs and with a small Bed & Breakfast we had here a few years during tourist season. I’ve used WWOOF, Workaway and Helpx as ways to contact for volunteers. I've also volunteered myself. I've been a host and a traveller through Airbnb and Couchsurfing as well.

I'm most of the time a very calm person and prefer to live in quiet places, but also sometimes enjoy cities, especially for the cultural supply, music, museums etc.
I run a meditation group together with three friends in my home town, Sometimes I go on shorter and longer meditation retreats.
I have worked with classical massage too (called Swedish massage internationally). I would like to get back into painting but rarely find the undisturbed space for it, there's a long ground run to get going.
I like my own space and living on my own but I appreciate fellowship and collaboration between people very much.

Although I listed a number of animals that I can possibly look after, but cats are definitely my favourites and I'm most experienced with cats... I dare to say I can talk to cats.

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