Maryam g.

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Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Über Maryam g.

67 Jahre alt | system architect

I am telecommunication engineer, lived and worked in Munich Germany for the last 30 years.
I have worked as telecommunication engineer for Siemens, Nokia, Cisco , Vodafone and now for Bundeswehr Informatik.
I am very responsible, considerate, social, respectful, honest, punctual, clean and great at communicating. I care for the environment and love animals. I can deal with issues and I am very pro-active about possible problems.
Mid 2019, I would like to return to BC and start my life as an active retiree.
House sitting for few months on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada would give me the opportunity to meet nice people, their pets and to explore the Island before deciding on a permanent location to live.
I will treat animals, houses and properties as if they were mine, with the necessary amount of love, care and respect. You will come back to a clean home and happy pets!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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