Christine e.

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Ingelheim am Rhein, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Über Christine e.

48 Jahre alt | Teacher

We are a big family with 4 sons (4,9,11,13 years) and a dog (Labrador) and a cat. We have also a big garden with a small fishpond. I’m working half day in a primary school. We all love animals and like to take care of them. It’s our first time to sit a house, but we often take care of friend’s pets ( dog, cat, rabbit, fish, guinea pig, chicken....) sometimes, I help my friend with their horses.
My husband is an innovation manager. On the weekend, we accompany our kids to their basketball games or we do trips. Normally, we spend our holidays in Croatia with our motorboat, but next summer we would like to visit my brother in Portland (Oregon). Hopefully, we can find a house sit near Portland/ Vancouver or along the west coast , so we can discover the American way of life and the wonderful landscapes. We like to stay 3 weeks in August/ July . My plan is to travel around with different stops, where we can sit your house....

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Alexander, 50 Jahre alt, Innovation Manager, Ehepartner / Partner
Lucas, 19 Jahre alt, Desciple, Kind
Linus, 10 Jahre alt, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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