Anne h.

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Paris, Île-de-France, France

Über Anne h.

36 Jahre alt | Communications Manager

I am an Australian, French resident, animal loving, non-smoker who works online and free travel in and around Europe! I moved from London, where I spent 2 years, to Paris this year. I plan to be based in Paris for 1 year. I currently work as a freelance communications manager. Every other week I need to be in London for a few days to work with clients. All the dates in between though I am free to work remotely. Whilst I am based in Paris, I am looking to live and work from other locations in Europe when I can. Housesitting is the perfect option for me, ideally with animals as I work 'from home' and love the company.I am social housing sector specialist - I am very compassionate, trust worthy, a great communicator... most importantly LOVE animals. I am 'that' person that comes up to you in the street to chat to your pet.I am healthy and physically fit and able - I love walking dogs, and caring for all sorts of animals. I grew up on a hobby farm (goats, horses, cats, dogs, chickens) and spent 2 years in my 20's living with my ex partner on our own small beef cattle farm in Aus farm (80 head beef cattle, chickens, horses, a python and a peacock!) thus I am confident around animals.I am passionate about travel, natural food, low waste & low tox living and experiences over things. My hobbies at the moment include learning French (total beginner), practising meditation, good sleep cycles and cooking at every opportunity. I also like to meet new people and am often joining new meet up / expat social groups and events.

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