Ev p.

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Moscow, Russian Federation

Über Ev p.

39 Jahre alt | speculative designer

I’m a speculative designer, artist and illustrator. I travel a lot having spent most of my adulthood between the UK, Russia, France and Germany. I have a 5-years Schengen tourist visa and a 3-years US business-tourist visa.

I'm calm and joyful, attentive and patient :D I hold hygiene of space, emotions and mind in high regard. Enjoy change as well as stillness. Enjoy waking up early and following my intuition. Most of my days happen in workflow and walks.

I enjoy interacting and finding a way to animals of all characters and sizes. They all make me feel wonder and joy ^^. At the same time, I don’t agree with the notion of “animals better than humans”. I honour own kind. Thanks to younger siblings I'm well-practiced in care-taking ^^, enjoy getting hands dirty, don't freak out if doing med-related action is necessary and get a constructive operation mode switch on in urgent circumstances.

Within my spectrum of interests apart from my artistic practice are nature, hiking, travel, skiing, ballet, qigong, physics, psychophysics, neuroscience
Outside the spectrum of my interests are loud talks, smoking and alcohol.

Why I want to house sit
I’m looking for a place around nature to further develop my work - artistic concepts and digital illustration. It means spending time in nature, conceptualising, writing, doodling and doing Skype calls ^_^.

My Experience
I live with my little brother and sidekick :D - 6 y.o. Singapora cat-boy and my parents’ dog - 9 y.o. capricious Maltese dog-boy. They both enjoy action and company ^^. We live in the city so there's no way to just let them outside yard and going for walks is daily action. As I work from home - boys follow me all around and sleep with me ^^.

As a child, I had a bullterrier and that was unforgetable :D. Also, a Siamese cat, a hamster and 2 canary-birds. I spent infancy in a Siberian village where my grandparents had a farm. I have 2 memories - riding a pig and milking a cow :D. I don't have proper farming experience though. The most recent glimpse of farm life was this April when I stayed on a horse farm in Iceland.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Russisch

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