Thomas and Andrea S.

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Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Thomas and Andrea S.

64 Jahre alt | Restautant owner , cook

We are a german couple, married since 40 Years. We have two grown up kids. Our son is a Tennis teacher and our dougher is a sport management manager.
We were running restaurants in high level style for 30 years. My wife did the service and i was cooking international food. This days we do catering for special occations.
We also managed houskeeping and gardening for all our projects. Also we took care of pets, especially dogs, cats and fish and bird.
We attach great importance to punctuality, cleaniless and loyalty to our boss. We know the management with people and know how to prepare to fix all things in the house.
We are very obliging and open for communication in different ways. We are non smokers and drink no Alkohol.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Andrea, 63 Jahre alt, Restaurant Owner, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Anna k.

Cubelles, Spain - Januar 2020

Thomas and Andrea came to Spain to look after our dog and home over the Christmas period. They arrived a little before we left exactly as planned so that we could have a chance to meet and pass any house and dog instructions. While we were away, they kept us fully informed and even sent us pics of our dog on fabulous walks! In fact, they treated her so well I think she was upset they´d left! Thank you Andrea and Tom for taking such great care, and I hope you enjoyed your stay here in Spain!

Catherine v.

Beaucaire, France - Januar 2019

Tom and Andrea are the perfect home-sitters! For the evaluation, I had to choose 3 badges, but Tom and Andrea deserve much more badges: they are completely independant, they resolve every problem, they welcomed our guests (for the holiday rental part), did the check in and check out, they took care of the cats, the house was perfectly clean and warm when we came back and they expérienced the bad weather in South of France. I strongly recommand Tom and Andrea for watching over your home!

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