Cherry m.

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Maianbar, New South Wales, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Cherry m.

66 Jahre alt | Palliative care nurse consultant and lecturer

Hello my name is Cherry and my partner and I are lucky enough to live in a delightful village in a National Park in Australia. Originally from the Tunbridge Wells area (UK) I grew up on a farm, travelled extensively, lived in Germany, Austria and France but finally settled in Australia. I do travel regularly to both Europe and England to reconnect and catch up with my sister in Burwash. Professionally I work as both a Nurse Educator and a Nurse Consultant (palliative care) My partner Barry was also originally from the UK, and he moved over here before having his family. Four children and eight Grandchildren he continues to work with Parks and Wildlife but is also keen to spend time back overseas. We are both versatile, keen gardeners and living where we do are good at dealing with the unexpected.

Travelling and animals have always been major components of both our lives , however we have now reached a stage where being settled in one place for several weeks is far more preferably than being consistently on the move. This provides not only for a more relaxed experience but it also allows for feeling as if we are a part of a local community and are being of assistance at the same time. In addition when we travel we miss having our own animals around.
Both of us have considerable experience in animal welfare, this familiarity has been developed through working for wildlife rescue, previous housesitting experiences, our own pets and in Barry's case through work. We are physically fit, versatile and happy to assist with minor maintenance or similar responsibilities. I have had previous experience in housekeeping and the hospitality industry .

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Barry, 74 Jahre alt, Parks and wildlife ranger, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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