Elena t.

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СПБ, Russian Federation

Über Elena t.

32 Jahre alt | lawer

Hello! We are young couple who are traveling South America for few years.

I"m Elena, 26 years old russian. I studies law as it runs in the family, my parents both judges. After working as a lawer for 1,5 year I moved to Canada to study languages (english and french) and then realized that my dream is to travel the world before I will settle down and get a proper seriouse work.
I was married for 5 years, taking care of the house, cleaning, cooking (I love to cook!) so I"m familiar with house tasks. I love to have my house and little life with my partner and love to stay at home.
Since I was child, I had pets at home: turtle, parrot, two cats one of which was siamese cat with strong personality. As an adult I had a dog, a labrador with a lot of energy - now he is living with my family while I'm travelling. Since 10 years old I took care about street dogs in the village I grew I up and helped in volunteer organizations that helped dogs. I also took care of my grandmas dog at summer.
Now I'm working online making webpages and as a photographer sometimes.

My partner, Eric, is 26 years old american from Seattle. He is an english teacher teaching online kids from China. Due to the time difference in South America his work starts very early, at 5am and at 8-9am he is free. He was teaching in South Korea for a year in a school and then decided to travel the world... Just like me. In his family he also had a dog (and a turtle, and humster) and grew up with it. Our experience in camping and hiking in the mountains showed him as a handy man, good with solving problems, think quick and never stressed out.

We love travelling slowly (as we work with wifi weekdays), we love to get to know people, get to know the culture, make friends. We are new in housesitting but we heard a lot about it. Usually we rent nice houses on airbnb for a month or so and explore area on our free time.

We are in love with nature, love trekking, hiking, mountains, camping as well as lovely calm beaches, ocean, forest... Far away from noisy cities. We pass by cities sometimes to get a taste od civilization (and eat good sushi) but it is not a place for us to stay long.

We speak fluently English,Spanish and me Russian also. We do not invite friends in the houses we rent or housesit, prefer to meet people outside like on the beach, restaurant etc. As it is two of us, someone can stay at home even if another one want to go for a walk or explore area.

We did plenty of workaway (wo

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Eric, 32 Jahre alt, english teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Russisch

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