Sandra & erik

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EF, Thuringia, Germany

Über Sandra & erik

37 Jahre alt | Virtual Assistant

We, this is Sandra & Erik, a young couple (28 & 31) from Erfurt, Germany. We love to travel, to surround us with as many animals as possible and to experiene nature and outdoor activities. We both make a living as Virtual Assistants which makes us independent of our place to live and flexible in terms of time. We have just returned from a six-month Europe road trip with our camper van “Helmut” and dream of continuing travelling, just a bit slower. Before we left the “normal life” for our road trip through Europe we lived on Malta for 4 years. There we have learned not only to find our way in an unfamiliar environment, adapt to another culture and make friends in a foreign country but also took care of the pets of friends and colleagues for multiple days when they went on vacation (if you like we can send you some references). We would describe ourselves as optimistic persons with a positive mindset who always think in a solution-oriented way.

There are not only two of us. We also bring the next best buddy of your pet with us. Carlos, our loyal companion who never leaves our site, is a small Dachshund mix, 7 years of age, who already travelled 21 countries with us. Besides eating and sleeping he loves it to explore nature with us and other dogs. He is also used to other animals like horses or pigs as we did some holidays on farms with him in the past. Carlos always demonstrated, that he is a dog who gets on well with every kind of animal and character and is able to integrate into any existing pack (We have took a lot of pics which can prove that ;D ) A wonderful and lovely dog you and your beloved ones should definitely get to know.

Walking, feeding, playing and cuddling with the dog is an integral part of our daily routine, so you can be sure that your pet will be in loving hands and will experience many adventures together with us and Carlos.

With us you choose independent and trustworthy house sitter, who not only treat your pets and your property with respect but also provide you with flexibility in terms of time before, during and after your trip.

We are confident that we are the best choice you can make for you and your pet (provided that it likes exploring nature, playing and cuddling :) and will be more than happy to be able to convince you in a Skype or phone call.

See you soon and lovely greetings from Germany.
Sandra & Erik :)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Sandra, 34 Jahre alt, Virtual Assistant, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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