Stacey m.

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Über Stacey m.

35 Jahre alt | Data Controller

* Available for Paris house sit Sept 12-25 2019 *
* Available for Europe bookings October 2019 - Feb 2020 *

Hi! We are Stacey & Geoff, a 30yr old recently engaged couple from Perth, Australia currently traveling throughout Europe. Earlier this year we decided to pack up our lives at home and head overseas for 12months of adventures, sight seeing & cultural travel. We are only planning our travels a few weeks in advance so that we are available for any house sits, be them last minute or organised months in advance.

While staying in your home we will be extremely respectful of your property and personal belongings, including keeping the house beautifully clean and gardens well maintained. We are honest, trustworthy, and very responsible. To keep your minds at ease while away we also ensure to maintain regular contact. We are a non-smoking couple.

We want to take care of your furbabies! We are both huge animal lovers and really enjoy getting to spend time with people's pets to get our own little furbaby fix. While being away from home and missing our two snugglebun rabbits, our family dog and cats, house and pet sitting is giving us some much needed animal therapy time. Plus, we know how nerve-racking it can be leaving your pets behind when you go away so we want to allow others to head off on a holiday and be at ease knowing their pets are being loved and well cared for. House and Pet sitting is also allowing us to immerse into new cultures by staying in the homes of locals and experiencing living like a local in such varied countries and cultures.

We have been doing paid house and pet sitting in our hometown for the last 10 years. We started just doing it for friends and family before taking it more seriously and signing up with a website called Pawshake. Through that platform, we house sat across Perth for humble small apartments up to luxurious mini-mansions, always with the added responsibly of caring for the owners' beloved pets. Stacey was also providing dog walking services for the last few years which helped dog owners living busy lives ensure their pet was still get the right amount of exercise and stimulation. We are very experienced with lead walking for dogs of all temperaments, from anxious to excited.

While our house sitting experience in Perth was greatly focused on pet care, we are open to all house sitting bookings. The reason we focused on pet sitting is due to our huge love for animals and Stacey's vast experience in animal

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Geoff, 34 Jahre alt, Civil Engineer, Ehepartner / Partner

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