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Alkmaar, North Holland, Netherlands

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Nicole

51 Jahre alt | office worker insurance company | Als Paar/Duo

We are Roland and Nicole, a non smoking couple and both crazy about animals and nature. Nicole used to be raised with dogs and Roland has been raised with birds and little animals and is experienced in gardening.
Roland has lived in Spain for more than 10 years and also speaks the language, in Portugal he can also make himself understood.

We prefer a neat and clean house because we are also like that.
Why they want to house sit
We like to travel so now and then.
The change of culture and preferably rural environment is something that we prefer. We want to achieve this through the combination of traveling and house sitting.
We hope for a nice cooperation with you, your house, garden and animals.

Our experience
In the past (2018) we started with house sitting with 2 dogs, several chickens and 3 goats at a farm in Groningen in The Netherlands. We also have experience with house sitting with 4 cats. So we have extern references.

What can they bring to the assignment
Love for animals and nature always comes first. But we don't like animals in the bedroom.
We are quiet, neat, reliable and civilized and no party types at all.
We are also adventurous, enterprising, travel-loving, caring and easy to handle, both with people and animals. We also have a high sense of responsibility.
We speak Dutch, English, German and Spanish (average)
Roland is technical and can solve any minor technical problems immediately. Maintenance pool is also no problem.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Roland, 62 Jahre alt, artist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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