Brittany W.

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Mt Pleasant, Michigan, United States


Über Brittany W.

32 Jahre alt | Natural Health Educator | Als Paar/Duo

We are a young, married couple in our mid-twenties and mid-thirties. We have a strong desire to travel the world and have love and appreciation for all living things! In fact, we have a lovely pooch (dog) and a couple of kitties (cats). We have spent time on our travels volunteering with animals - dogs at an elephant park in Thailand, and sea turtles in Sri Lanka. Jason also has experience with snakes, lizards, fish, and even had a pet scorpion. Brittany has previous experience with fish, hamsters, lizards, and a young raccoon, as well as many cats and dogs while growing up. We are currently in the process of becoming digital nomads so that we can continue to explore new places and see the world on our terms. Housesitting feels like the perfect fit for our lifestyle. Side note: We do not necessarily have a green thumb, but we do take care of our house plants and have started to do a little gardening. :) We are fairly new to the house sitting scene, but we have stayed in over twenty AirBnB homes and really enjoy staying in a local home rather than hotels... we believe in leaving a place at least as good as we've found it and will be courteous and respectful of your home and your things. We really enjoy traveling not just to see the sights, but to really get to know a place. What better way to do that than to live like the locals do?

Some of our other interests include: watching movies, playing board games and video games, reading, hiking/going for walks, writing, photography, videography, video editing, learning new languages, learning new things, and cooking.

In 2019, we traveled around parts of Europe for four months and successfully completed 3 housesits through Nomador during our travels. Our experiences thus far have been amazing!!! We've been able to hang out with a pretty cool assortment of animal friends and have also developed some pretty awesome human friendships too! ;)

We're always looking for new places to explore! Right now, our places of interest are everywhere, but we will be in the United States - specifically Michigan - until further notice. If you are in need of a sitter and you're located in the U.S., please send us a message and we'll see what we can do! We are happy to stay in your home and watch your furry friends in exchange for a place to stay. :-)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jason, 41 Jahre alt, Electrician, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Maria n.

London, United Kingdom - Juni 2019

Brittany and Jason took care of our house and our precious cat Kaori during the most stressful time - our wedding hehe! We had the pleasure of getting to know them over lunch on the day we left and had such a great conversation that almost forgot about our flight! We had no worries while away and enjoyed our trip. Coming back home we could tell Kaori was happy with Brittany's and Jason's company as she wasn't upset with us much :) Two days later they joined us for a barbecue and got to know each other even better - we'd certainly like to keep in touch and meet again! Thank you so much for taking such good care of our cat and our home! It was lovely to meet you guys! Hope we'll get another chance in the near future!

Nadia H.

Saint-Louis, France - März 2019

Jason and Brittany were awesome!! They are responsible, kind, tidy and homy. We were very satisfied and they did everything we asked for and more. The day of our arrival they waited us with a light lunch and they even cooked dinner for us. We shared a few days together as it was super nice to share life experiences with them. They are open minded and it's easy to communicate with them. Hours passed by so fast while we were catching up. We can say that we found 2 nice friends on them. We absolutely recommend this nice couple!!

Valerie l.

Domsure, France - März 2019

Brittany et Jason sont adorables! Ils se sont bien occupé de tous nos animaux et ont fréquemment donné des nouvelles. La maison était en ordre à notre retour. Je les recommande et n'hésiterai pas à faire à nouveau appel à eux. Une très belle rencontre. Brittany and Jason are lovely people. They took perfectly care of all our animals with love and gave us news frequently. I recommand them and would not hesitate to rely on their services another time. We are glad having meeting those new friends.

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