Karine l.

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Mulhouse, Grand Est, France

Über Karine l.

42 Jahre alt | agronome

We are a responsible mature non-smoking couple from France. My partner Eric is a yacht captain and we spent the last several years working on yachts, sailing here and there. We have a pretty off grid way of life : after living on our own boat for 3 years, we have spent the last months travelling with our van accross France, Switzerland, Italy and Croatia. We love travelling and we better fit in a natural peaceful environment than in the city.
We originally planned to spend the next winter travelling around South America. Unfortunatelly this is off the table. Our idea is now to find the coolest winter we can in Europe, so we intend to go to the South of Spain. Our idea is to travel around Andalucia for 5/6 months, with a few one month-stays in different locations. But we are very flexible and open to suggestions and opportunities.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Eric, 55 Jahre alt, capitaine de navire, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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