Claudia r.

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Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Über Claudia r.

54 Jahre alt | advisor self-sufficient spaces

We are a very respectful family with 2 older kids (12 boy and almost 10 girl) and we are based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands where we run a Nature Center ( . We also have a company designing self-sufficient spaces and helping regenerate lands around the world ( .

Our values are:

Respect and care for oneself, the environment, and each other

Harmony in spaces and relationships, and

Leave the planet better than you found it!

What we can bring :
Loving care for pets and plants
We speak English, Spanish, French and Dutch
Very familiar with Mexican culture
Pictures and videos of your place with storytelling
Experience with growing fields of healing herbs (composting, seeding, weeding, harvesting)
Experience with both domestic and farm animals
Excellent hosts (if you are renting other spaces)
Small handy jobs or managing construction tasks
Strategy advise
perhaps a place to stay in Amsterdam

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Minne, 59 Jahre alt, game developer, Ehepartner / Partner
Noah, 18 Jahre alt, n/a, Kind
Fraya, 15 Jahre alt, n/a, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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