Shauni c.

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Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Über Shauni c.

32 Jahre alt | Teacher

We are outgoing, down to earth people with easy going personalities. We both work in the private education sector in country South Australia and want to spread our wings and see what the world has to offer. We love our sport and also enjoy travelling and being active in the outdoors. Currently, we are both undertaking postgraduate studies in psychology and high-performance sport respectively.
The chance to care for animals, big and small, as well as explore the world sums up why we want to house sit. Having a central location to stay at when travelling is a great way to live like a local and feel apart of the community. Looking after your pets means we satisfy the withdrawals of missing our own pets at home while still getting to travel, explore and see the many wonders of the world.
We are both teachers so are regularly responsible for looking after 25 students at a time, this gives us more than enough experience to look after a few domestic animals whilst you're away!
We've been around animals our whole lives so we understand how pets are an integral part of the family. Being home owners provides experience in maintaining, appreciating and respecting the hard work that goes into making a house a home.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Andy, 37 Jahre alt, Teacher, Freund

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