Gigi m.

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Windsor Charter Township, Michigan, United States

Über Gigi m.

74 Jahre alt | Retired Dental Lab Technician for my late husband's dental practice.

"Traveling with a purpose", i.e., caring for others' homes, pets, and gardens is indeed among my greatest loves, and one of the things that give my life deep fulfillment. A nomad by nature, I consider myself a global citizen. Solo traveled through Europe, on three separate occasions, from 2012 to 2015, living in Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, France, and Great Britain and used "Air" exclusively as my go-to traveler's booking site. At one of my "bnb's" in the Dordogne, I was honored to be trusted enough to substitute host for the owners while they were out of the country for several months. I took care of their guests and the hosts continued to earn

I've owned and skillfully maintained three homes. My current home, shared with my son and his family, is on 4.5 acres in Central Michigan, with a 100-foot Hugelkultur bed, a huge pond, and chickens. I've personally owned dogs, cats, fish and ferrets, rats and rabbits. In my earlier years, I owned a housekeeping service, a below-decks yacht cleaning service, and was a housekeeper for an amazing multi-generational family in Los Angeles in a home filled to the brim with priceless objets d'art. I'm an organic gardener and prefer a quiet home life wherever I am, with or without the company of pets, enjoying life's simple pleasures.

Thanks for spending a little time with me. I would be honored to care for your home, your pets, your gardens, and even your guests as if they were my own.

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