Patrycja p.

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Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland


Über Patrycja p.

30 Jahre alt | student

After finishing 3 years of studying I now dedicate my life to travel. I‘ve been doing this (with some breaks) for over 2 years now as the world never stops to fascinate and delight me. So I‘m gonning to continue this lifestyle as long as it‘s possible and makes me happy. I like exploring cities but most of all I love nature and discovering its wonders, especially by hiking and camping. Cycling is also my big passion. I had 3 long distance cycling trips through Europe and I‘m planing new ones for next autumn somewhere in Asia. Last winter we moved to a small boat with my boyfriend and were cruising through the Caribbeans (Lesser Antiles) for 4 months. We‘re gonna do the same this year but first I would like to spend some time in Europe and enjoy the winter :) Yes, I do like cold seasons too.

One of the things I miss while traveling is a contact with animals - I grew up in home with constant presence of cats and dogs- specially latter ones due to my parent‘s love to shepherds.I discovered Nomador community some weeks ago and I totally love the concept. In fact, I was many times thinking how great it would be if such a thing existed. Now I know it does and want to make some house sits whenever I have breaks between traveling.

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Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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