Lee c.

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Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Über Lee c.

53 Jahre alt | Teacher

We are a couple that have travelled extensively. My wife is a kiwi and I emigrated from the UK to New Zealand in 2006 where we met. We have lived in Dubai for the past 3 years. We are both international school teachers and musicians (who make up the band Twenty Six Times - but don’t worry, there won’t be anything louder than an acoustic guitar and a singer in your home we are always mindful of neighbors). We enjoy a healthy lifestyle and enjoy regular exercise and quality organic food (wherever we can get it). Katrina was raised on a farm and we have both owned animals most of our lives. We are new to house sitting in this form. However, Katrina has house-sat and managed a Bed and Breakfast a number of times, and we can provide reference as needed. We are traveling during our Summer holidays to escape the heat of Dubai. Our daughter, for this trip, will be staying with her Grandparents in New Zealand. We are both in our 40s and very responsible and reliable and would prefer a homesit with friendly dogs.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Katrina, 46 Jahre alt, Teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Ariane h.

Roßdorf, Germany - Juli 2019

Kat and Lee were a wonderful couple to welcome in our place. We spent the evening and the next morning before we left for our holiday and it was just totally relaxing to have them around. They are so kind and friendly and we were actually a bit sad that we couldn’t have spent more time together. They took great care of our cat Oskar and he got brushed every day which he enjoyed a lot. They also took great care of the garden and everything (house and garden) was neat and perfectly clean after they have left. They are totally reliable and all our neighbors liked them a lot. Kat and Lee are always welcome at our place again. This was our first experience with Nomador and after such a positive experience we will definitely host house-sitters again. Thank you so much.

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