Thurstan h.

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Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia

Über Thurstan h.

42 Jahre alt | User Experience / Interface Design

I'm starting on a quest to live the minimalist digital nomadic life. Looking to live out of a carry-on bag again as I so enjoyed in my late 20s (now mid 30s). Since I can work online anywhere, why not live anywhere?

I like creatures of all kinds. I've taken care of cats and fish and enjoy hanging out with dogs. I have even taken on a grasshopper in a starring competition and rescued a few birds. Although not a great fan of spiders, I still prefer to take them outside (if not dangerous) as opposed to spraying them. So the idea that I can spend time with animals whilst I travel sounds ideal.

I've found having less things it is easier to organise and take care of them. I intend to have just such a minimal impact on the places I stay, taking care of what I use and leaving everything just as I've found it. Should we be in touch regarding a stay I'll be keen to hear and respect any wishes be they daily airing the house, pet schedules for food/tablets/outdoor time to avoiding using a particular items/rooms and other personal or cultural requirements.

Initially I thought I would try this concept on my home turf and work out any quirks and build reputation before heading abroad. I look forward to hearing from you and hope you have a great sitting experience and time away =]

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