Sandra & Sören

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Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Über Sandra & Sören

36 Jahre alt | Writer | Als Paar/Duo

Thank you for visiting our profile.
We are Sandra and Sören.

We are a happy, friendly, well educated and animal loving German couple in our 30‘s, traveling the world together since 2016.

We are experienced housesitters and have housesat countless times, in many countries, on different continents.

As we are new to Nomador, we have not gained reviews on this site yet.
If you would like to see our reviews, photos and videos, you are welcome to take a look at the following pages:



House sitting Video:

As typical digital nomads, we are both working remotely.
Sandra is a writer and Sören is a programmer.

In 2018, we rescued our dogs, Tia and Sandy, from the streets of Cyprus.
Tia and Sandy are always house sitting with us and are doing a great job.

Both are born in 2016, medium size (49 cm at 15 kg and 59 cm at 20 kg), neutered, healthy, vaccinated, regularly dewormed, very well behaved and perfectly house-trained.

They bring their own beds, bowls and food. They are not allowed on any human furniture. Both are liability insured, also internationally and for rented property. They are absolutely furniture friendly though, and only play with their own toys.

Tia and Sandy are friendly with cats, dogs, horses, cows, birds and basically the entire animal kingdom. On the other hand, they need time to warm up with unfamiliar people and don't want to be touched by strangers.

Of course you would like to know, if your animal family makes a match with us. We are happy to answer the most common questions for you:

Are you experienced with animals?
We both grew up with cats, dogs and small animals. We also gained a lot of experience during house sits around the world, living with so many different furry souls of all kinds. Not to forget our own dogs, Tia and Sandy. Their happiness and well-mannered behavior is probably our best reference.

We are also horsepeople.
Sandra started horseriding when she was seven and has been a horsegirl ever since. She's all about apropriate horse husbandry, reasonable ground work, riding according to biomechanical principles, and her great love, the Arabian horses. Sören started riding in 2021, so is still a beginner, but keen to learn and grow.

Are you experienced house sitters?
We started house sitting in 2015 and have housesat countless times in many countries, on different continents. We cared for cats, dogs, birds, horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, pigs, fish, domestic and exotic plants, massive gardens, stables, pools, balconies and cars.

We always do our best to meet the high expectations of the people who entrust such value to us. We will care for the animals and the property, as we would for ours.

We make the utmost effort to keep every accommodation perfectly tidy and always clean the place after our stay, so that you'll find your property the way you left it.

How does your daily routine look like?
The following is only our own routine. We of course adjust it to all animals we care for.

We go to bed around 11pm and get up in the morning around 6 - 7am.

We walk our dogs three times a day. 30 minutes in the morning, 2 - 3 hours early afternoon and 30 minutes before bed. In the meantime, they are free to enjoy the garden.

They have breakfast after the morning-walk and dinner after the afternoon-hike.
We cook meat and veggies for them.

After breakfast, we work for several hours on our laptops.

Since we work full time in home office, the animals are rarely left alone. We don't leave them alone for more than 4 hours at a time and that doesn't happen more than once or twice a week, if at all.

In our free time, we like to go on long hikes, horseback riding, swimming, market visits, go to the movies or lay in the sun with a good book. We are no party people and do not drink or smoke. We share the common interest of making music. Sandra is also a passionate photographer, as you can see on her blogs, where she not only shares her photographic work, but also her knowledge about appropriate dog care.

Do you have a driver's license and your own vehicle?
We both have a German and a New Zealand driver's license. Outside of Europe, we also bring an additional international driver's license in English. We have never had an accident and therefore the best insurance status. Within Europe, we travel with our own car.

How often will you send us updates?
As photographers and filmmakers by heart, we love taking beautiful pictures and videos of your furry family. In the first week of the sit, we usually update you every day. In the long run every 2-3 days and, of course, whenever we have questions or something to chat about.

Can we meet up or have a call with you?
If we are close by, we are happy to meet up. Otherwise, we are looking forward to a call with you.

If you have any more questions, please send us a message :-)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Sören, 34 Jahre alt, Programmer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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