Séraphine m.

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Paris, Île-de-France, France

Über Séraphine m.

34 Jahre alt | kid's books writer | Als Familie

I'm a french writer. I write books for teenagers and for kids, mostly non-fiction books about the importance of nature. I traveled a lot in my twenties and I always chose authenticity rather than doing the touristic stuff. I read and write a lot. Any new place is is a source of inspiration !

My partner is working for a jazz music company. He doen't play an instrument himself but he is taking care of the artists and he's job is to book the tours for the musicians. He loves music, good movies and is obsessed with thai food !

Our baby's name is Loup. He is two years old ! He's a happy kid who loves animals (particularly dogs, frogs and... snales : his new favourite !). As I have tons of books at home he loves us to read him stories !

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Maxime, 39 Jahre alt, work in a jazz company, Ehepartner / Partner
Loup, 3 Jahre alt, happy baby, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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