Johanna g.

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Saint-Brieuc, Brittany, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Johanna g.

40 Jahre alt | Web Entrepreneur - yoga teacher | Allein

Hello :)

If you would like someone that really cares about your animals and home, please read more to know why :

Why I am a Nomador member ?
My very first experience of home and cat sitting was in Los Angeles in 2017. A friend of my friend needed to go overseas for 2 weeks and needed someone trustworthy to take car of the home, give company to the cats and make sure they had all they need, food at their usual time, clean litter box everyday. Also, they had giangantic japanese fish that needed to be fed and the plant to be watered.

We felt confortable in their home, and Shane and Laura had a peace of mind leaving for their vacation. The whole experience was nice and smoothe. From this moment I wanted to do more of it ! This is why I decided to join Nomador.

What type of person I am ?
After many years in the service and tourism industry, my job has evolved into that of a yoga teacher, and since two years, a web entrepreneur. I like calm and peaceful environments. I have a passion for reading, writing and contemplating. If you’d ask my family, friends and managers (when i used to be employed), they will pretty much tell you the same thing : caring, thoughtful, trustworthy, organized and attentive to detail.

An international volunteer
An avid traveler, I have lived in Australia, New Zealand, and traveled to India, Thailand, Bali, Mexico, the United States and many other countries. I was part of the network, based on the same concept as woofing. I had the pleasure of volunteering in eco-villages, teaching English to children in Thailand, taking care of a flock of sheep in New Zealand, gardening for a yoga teacher, taking care of the children of an artist couple, and many other very rewarding projects and missions... I adapt very well in many different environments.

What is my relationship with animals?
As a kid, we had dogs at home (Napo, the big Dobberman, and Finette a small crossbred dog). My lifestyle doesn't allow me to have animals, so it's always a pleasure to find little four-legged hearts and play with them or cuddle them, depending on their temperament.
Also, as I am writing, the kittens are playing jumping around, while the young mum tries to find calm lying on her side in the kitchen. I really like to be around animals, they have a life of their own… (especially the little kitties exploring all the corners of the house).

What are my deepest values ?
My father taught me respect and honesty.
My travel tought me to be open, curisous of people's way of life, to trust the world.

I would be happy to take care of your 4 legged and featherd companions.
Feel free to reach out.

I am looking forward to connect with you.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Bereits gebuchte Zeiträume

  • Vom 04/10/2024 bis zum 13/10/2024

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