Michelle r.

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Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Über Michelle r.

61 Jahre alt | Commercial Real Estate

We are Roger and Michelle and we are looking forward to starting a new phase of our life adventure and we can’t think of a better way than house and pet sitting!

Roger is a professional musician (percussion) who is still playing, but opted for early retirement as Professor, Head of Percussion from Humber College 13 years ago. Michelle, while still working in commercial real estate, is looking forward to retiring fall of 2019. We are both in excellent health and have a true joie de vivre!

We feel that house and pet sitting is an excellent opportunity for us to settle in, have a routine, and feel at home somewhere new. We are open to shorter sits and longer sits once Michelle ultimately retires. We will care for your home and your pets as if they were our own. We will provide your pets with companionship and love, keeping them fed, exercised, safe and healthy, maintaining their routine in their own environment. You will be able to travel with complete peace of mind knowing your home and pets are being well taken care of.

With a passion for travel, we think of ourselves as travelers, not tourists, interested in experiences that become wonderful memories. We want to become part time locals of places we visit and we tend to stray from the regular tourist path. We enjoy history and architecture, and could be labeled as "foodies". We seek out local markets and enjoy buying local produce, meats, cheeses, wines, pastries, breads, etc. and making our own meals at home. We also take pleasure in sitting at a café or in a local pub, watching the world go by.

We have always preferred holidays where we have a place to call “home” rather than a hotel room and we believe this will lead us nicely to transferring our skills to looking after your home and pets. We have rented through VRBO and Airbnb and have treated the properties as we would our own as attested by reviews from:

Debra - Limoux, France – May 2018: Michelle and Roger were lovely guests, very enthusiastic about the area, and we are so happy they enjoyed their stay! They left the property absolutely immaculate, and we would be delighted if they returned some time!

Sara – Venice, Italy – October 2017: Michelle è una signora elegante, educata ed estremamente corretta. Ha lasciato la casa in perfetto ordine. (Michelle is an elegant, polite and extremely correct lady. They left the house in perfect order.)

Natalie – Paris, France – January 2017: c'est avec un vif pl

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Roger, 77 Jahre alt, Musician, Ehepartner / Partner

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