Johann s.

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Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Johann s.

73 Jahre alt | Teacher | Allein

72 years old, retired teacher, vegetarian, non-smoker, fit with yoga, bicycle riding and - of course - gardening. I am a member of the "GRÜNEN" (ecologically oriented). With them I was a member in our local council. DIY fit in most realms: years ago I restored/renewed an old farmhouse with all the necessary work: bricklaying, roofing, plumbing etc.. I sold it to have money for travelling and to be more independent. Around my home area I am busy as a housesitter and I work in several gardens. For a friend I did gardening near Apt (France) and for an other friend several times near Almeria (Spain). House-/catsit experience I had several times in France, Italy and Germany (with another platform. That hosts could give recommendations!). I do not get on with dogs, however, I am happy with all other animals. Speaking English, un poco italiano, un peu francais and of course German. Honest and trustworthy and outspoken. I have a drivers licence and I own a van.
To live in a foreign country as a "part-time resident" is always more interesting then as a tourist. Some years ago I had a job in Sicily/Italy for 4 months. A great experience, I enjoyed everyday life with the local people. On our own property, an old farm house, my exwife and I were "hobby-farmers" with a lot of animals: sheep, goats - I milked them -, poultry, even peacocks!, cats and my wife´s dog. We had a very big garden. Our son grew up there. Bevore I became a teacher, I worked as a mechanic (metal constructions, engine repair). As I am retired and single, I am avaiable almost at any time of the year. I will be happy to housesit for you!
Of course I have all Covid Vaccinations!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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