Chantal c.

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Ballina, New South Wales, Australia

Über Chantal c.

55 Jahre alt | Communications Consultant

UPDATE JUNE 2022 : after two years in Australia, we have just returned to North America and will be available for pet sits in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico until spring 2023.

We are an animal loving, eco friendly, tidy and trustworthy couple. Chantal is French Canadian, Mark is Australian. We met on a train and after the world's longest distance relationship, now we're together and stuck (happily) with each other.

While our lifestyle requires movement between Canada and Australia every year, we are free to go anywhere and very eager to discover new countries, whether it be as tourists or house-sitters. Having completed house-sits in Canada, France, Montenegro, Australia and New Zealand , we have earned top marks on Trusted House Sitters where you can check out our reviews.

As property owners ourselves, we know how important it is to be assured that your home will be well cared for while you are away. More importantly, we know firsthand how important it is to have confidence that your pets are in safe hands.

In terms of our experience caring for animals, Mark has owned a rural property with chickens, horses, cows, a rabbit and fish. He also has had several dogs over the years, including a Lab, Saint Bernard. malamute and a lovely little collie-cocker mix. He has done wildlife care for National Parks and Wildlife, mostly with birds. Chantal loves cats, dogs and animals generally. She has owned cats throughout her life and has done heaps of cat and dog sitting for friends and family.

We are a very mature, experienced and responsible couple who will care for your pets and your home as we would our own.


Chantal and Mark

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Mark, 74 Jahre alt, Semi-retired educator, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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