Georgina p.

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Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Georgina p.

43 Jahre alt | Writer

So lovely to meet you! We're a husband and wife writing team in our late thirties who’ve recently retired from being global expats to write full-time. Having lived in over 20 locations around the world, (and having patted many a beastie along the way) we take pride in our respect for other people’s beliefs whether they be political, religious or lifestyle. We’ve recently realized how much we miss being able to have pets, which is why house-sitting suits us perfectly.

Georgina is a former academic who decided writing romantic comedy was a much more enjoyable way to spend her time, while Tony is an engineer with eighteen year’s experience of troubleshooting for multinational companies around the world from Scotland to Saudi Arabia.

Georgina grew up in the Australian Outback and is an old hand at looking after almost every breed of dog, cat and barnyard critter, including cows, pigs, horses, goats, sheep and chickens. She’s also has a fondness for fish, Guinea pigs, rabbits and other small, furry creatures. Tony is possibly half cat. It’s yet to be confirmed, but he has been known to ignore all humans in his vicinity in favour of making a new feline friend.

Georgina also loves caring for house plants and we both frequently potter about in the garden when trying to solve tricky writing problems.

We both write from home, so you’ll have the peace-of-mind in knowing your pets will have company throughout the day.

We’ve owned properties in the past and are old-hands in trouble-shooting unexpected situations, so you can rest assured that we will do our utmost to solve any problems that come our way while keeping you updated at all times.

We completely understand that you want the peace of mind in knowing your home and pets are being taken care of by responsible, mature people and we can't wait to get to know you and your pets better.

For more info, you can go to our travel blog, or our author website,

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Tony, 45 Jahre alt, Petroleum Engineer/Writer, Ehepartner / Partner

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