Juul l.

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Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands

Über Juul l.

31 Jahre alt | Freelancer


My name is Juul and I'm 25 years old. Currently I'm working as a freelance writer, which I'm enjoying alot but I'm also getting a bit bored of my hometown. Since I really only need a place to put my laptop down to do my job I thought it might be fun to try something like this for a change. I also love animals but my current living arrangements do not allow pets, so I would love to take care of your animals during your vacation!

I do not have any experience housesitting for strangers so I do not have any references on that part. I fully understand the amount of trust it would take to allow a stranger in your home to take care of your animals, and the responsibilities that come with it. I hope we can build trust by meeting beforehand if possible, or by other forms of communication, Hopefully if you read this you might want to give me a chance, I look forward to proving myself!

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