Janine e-p

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Janine e-p

47 Jahre alt | Teacher and freelance journalist

About me
I am a female non-smoker originally from Wales in the UK. I have a portfolio career that is location independent as an experienced tutor, academic, life coach and trainee journalist. I work online and remotely from wherever I am. I am a responsible, and organised artist and animal lover. I can provide references on request by email if you wish

I am a trustworthy, and honest person who is loyal and outgoing. I am 42 years old and worldly wise. I am considerate and respect other people's space and property.
I am an animal lover. I have 30 years experience of caring for dogs and cats. I am a responsible and mature person. I am a kind, clean professional who loves all animals.

Why I want to house sit
I have lived around the world and currently live in London, England. I am looking for short term and long term housesits in London, and internationally. I would love to travel and see the world while caring for animals. I often take care of our friends' animals when they are away. I am happy to connect and talk further.

I have been living in London since 2011. At the moment and would like to housesit particularly to be with animals and also to make travel more affordable as I recently started travel writing. I love travel and looking after animals. When I was kid we had horses, dogs and cats so I am very happy to look after your much loved animals and house for you. Currently we have beautiful cat called 'Jerry' but my partner will look after the cat while I housesit.

My experience
I have lived on my own overseas for 10 years and prior to that I was in house shares. I am experienced with animals as I had dogs, cats and horses when I was a kid. I could be flexible and keep you in touch with how things are going should you require to communicate with me while you are away. I'll do the house sit free of charge, of course! Please get in touch.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Chinesisch

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