Zoe z.

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Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Über Zoe z.

46 Jahre alt | freelance writer and traveller

Hi! We're Zoe Zeng and Øivind Erevik, a happy couple from China and Norway. I am a freelance writer and Øivind is a veteran cyclist. We are slow travelers and like to stay longer at one place, get to know people and experience the local life. We love animals and plants. We often cuddle and play with feline and fido strangers we bump into on the road. House-sitting is perfect for us! Since we are happy to look after pets, get to know their owners and help them to have a carefree vacation.

Although we are new to house-sitting, we are confident to be good sitters! We both are home owners, having tenants and guests back home. We understand how safety, respect and consideration matters for owners, and how important to keep their places tidy and clean. We love animals' different personalities, and treat them like friends. I've rescued more than 50 cats and dogs, at the peak, had 15 cats at home. Øivind has a calm and happy aura. Animals just love to be with him. Since we like exercises, we don't mind walking dogs for long distances, or help out with gardening and house maintenance. We don't smoke, and try to keep a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle by consuming less energy and plastics.

We are happy people with positive perspective on life. We enjoy what we are doing. :) I love art and cinema, dance Argentinian Tango and study Spanish. Øivind is an avid cyclist. He graduated from law school and worked in a bank in Oslo before doing full-time cycling. He has attended the TransAm cycling competition, crossing United States from west to east coast for almost 7000km. We both travelled extensively and made friends all over the world. They have given us many unforgettable memories and helped shaping our life. That's what we expect to gain from house-sitting too!

We prefer to stay in small towns and villages, close to the bird humming nature than in the big bustling cities. It will be great that the area is good for cycling, since we will travel with our road bikes. If you like to have responsible people with a big smile to be your house-sitters, please don't hesitate to contact us!

P.S. Here are some excerpts from my airbnb profile (https://www.airbnb.cn/rooms/15760194 )

From hosts:

>> Emma Lauren, April 2018
Zoe, was a wonderful guest! Communicative and lovely she also left the place in absolutely immaculate condition! She was the perfect guest and I would love to welcome her back to Hong Kong anytime.

>> Nicolas Kunzer, August 2016

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Øivind, 41 Jahre alt, Traveller, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Chinesisch

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